Principal Address
The year is now well underway and students should be establishing their routines for study and homework. Routines need to be flexible enough to accommodate the events that normally occur such as family birthdays. The routines should prioritise homework, but also allow for working on assignments steadily over time and for advanced revision for assessment at the end of term.
We are now in the first week of the Lenten period. Sometimes we think of Lent as a time to make sacrifices and certainly we are encouraged to give to the poor during this time. This year, Mercy College are supporting Caritas and we are encouraging students to give. Lent offers us a time to reflect more deeply on our lives and to enact positive change. As I have mentioned to the students, there is so much power in the action of giving, not just our money, but of ourselves to those who are in need of hope and encouragement. Jesus calls us to be present and live in the present. To open our eyes to what is around us. To be blessed and enjoy each moment of our day. We must remember the importance of community. Care, integrity and looking after each other. We need to extend this care to the wider community and all can contribute during Lent. May the lent season be a time of reflection, prayer, self-denial and helping others.
New St Patrick’s College Logo – Feedback Requested
One of the many tasks of the Combined College Steering Committee during 2021, was to work with a graphic design company to create the new college logo for St Patrick’s College Years 7-12, due to commence formal operation in 2023.
The committee discerned a number of design options, taking into consideration the rich history of both college communities and the connection this has to the logo design. The new logo needs to be recognisable to both the college community, and the wider community, clearly identifying the defining features of a Catholic college.
Another important consideration was the variety of ways the logo would be used on both campuses across the life of the college – college iconography, college advertising, letterheads, website, social media presence, uniform, etc.
The committee utilised the following criteria when identifying the logo design for consultation and feedback:
- Simplicity (easily recognizable, memorable and effective)
- Timeless / Distinctive (won’t date)
- Versatile (has to work across all mediums: horizontal; vertical; one colour; small scale; large scale)
- Appropriate (reflective of the combined college and its values)
After careful consideration, the committee has identified two logos that are presented to the college communities for your feedback.
Parents, students and staff are invited to provide your preference by completing the google form available in the following link by Monday 14 March. Voting form -St Patrick's College Logo - Preferred Option Feedback.
The Steering Committee and the combined College Leadership Teams will consider the feedback before making a recommendation to myself as Principal of St Patrick’s College for final approval. It is hoped that the new logo for the combined college in 2023 will be announced to the College communities of both Mercy College and St Patrick’s College before the end of Term 1.
Thank you for your involvement in this consultation process and I look forward to unveiling the new logo for St Patrick’s College (Years 7-12) before the end of Term 1.
St Patrick’s / Mercy College School Board
As we move to a combined college in 2023, the establishment of one School Board will commence operation this year. The school board will consist of four (4) parent positions.
If you are interested in holding a parent position on the School Board, you are invited to attend the School Board Preservice on Tuesday evening, March 8 commencing at 7:30pm at the Mercy College Library.
Mr Michael McCusker (Assistant Director Schools Northern Region) will explain the roles and responsibilities of a School Board and answer any questions that parents may have. If you would like to attend the preservice, please contact either Ruth Van Lint (Mercy College Campus 4969 4199) or Juliene Benson (St Patrick’s College Campus 4994 8700) or by Monday March 7.
St Patrick’s / Mercy College P & F
As we move to a combined college in 2023, the establishment of one College P&F will commence operation this year.
On Tuesday 8 March, the first P & F Meeting for the year will be held. This meeting will be the Annual General Meeting and I would like to invite any parents interested in becoming a member of our P & F Committee to attend this meeting. The meeting which will be held at the Mercy College Library will commence at 6:00pm and finish at 7:30pm. The formation of our new Committee will decide the most suitable day and times for future meetings.
Why be involved in our combined College P & F?
- The P&F is an integral part of our college community and provides a formal structure and support network for parents to participate in the activities and decision making processes at the College, and to work for the benefit of the College and our students.
- The P&F represents the interests of the whole parent body.
- It helps parents engage with the College and the education of their children.
- It works to support the College.
I encourage any parent to come along on Tuesday evening and help make a different in our college and in your child’s education. If you have any questions in relation to our P & F Committee, please contact our College office.
Meet The Teachers BBQ Evening
I look forward to welcoming our Year 7 parents at our Meet The Teachers BBQ Evening on Thursday 10 March, commencing at 5:15pm.
This informal evening is a wonderful opportunity to meet your student’s teachers and to introduce yourself. Homeroom and Classroom teachers, Heads of Department, along with our Pastoral Team, will also be happy to answer any questions you may have. There will be a number of brief information sessions also running during the second part of the evening in the areas of: Maths, English, Languages and Leadership opportunities for all our students at the College.
As your child settles into life at Mercy College, we welcome this valuable opportunity to give you feedback on how your child has settled into high school here at Mercy College.
Please see the attached flyer with further details regarding the evening and I ask that you kindly RSVP by clicking on this link
COVID-19 Update
Mercy College wishes to advise you that, during the past fortnight, we have been notified of positive cases of COVID-19 in our college community.
Mercy College regularly consults with the Catholic Education Office and relevant authorities and continues to follow the advice of Queensland Health regarding cleaning requirements.
Queensland Health has advised that no quarantine of students or staff is required.
As COVID-19 remains active in our community we ask you to continue to monitor your child’s/children’s health and if they develop any flu-like symptoms:
- Keep your child/children at home
- Seek a PCR or Rapid Antigen test where it is recommended and notify the school of positive results. Please be aware, a negative COVID test does not change the requirement to be symptom free to attend school.
- Follow the advice of Queensland Health
As we continue to navigate the pandemic, please remind your child/ren to:
- Maintain good hand hygiene at all times
- Cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue or the inside of their elbow and dispose of tissues in the bin immediately.
- Practice social distancing from others where possible
- Wear masks when required
We will continue to work closely with health authorities to keep our school community informed of any developments and advice. Thank you once again for your ongoing support.
Mackay Catholic Debutante Ball – Amended Date
Due to COVID regulations and the delayed start to the school year, I am sad to advise that there will be no Mackay Catholic Debutant Ball in 2022. In 2023, the Mackay Catholic Debutante Ball will be open to Year 11 and 12 Catholic school students and will be held on Friday 26 May. I encourage students to keep this important event and date in your calendar for next year.
St Vincent de Paul Qld Flood Appeal 2022
We have all seen the impact that the recent flooding in South-East Queensland has had on families and their communities. While we keep these people in our thoughts and prayers, you may also wish to assist with fundraising. The Vinnies Qld Flood Appeal 2022 are doing wonderful work for these families in need. The following link will provide information on how you can assist.
St Vincent de Paul Inc : Vinnies QLD Flood Appeal 2022
People of Ukraine
As a community, I know we are all deeply saddened and concerned about the conflict in Ukraine and the Russian invasion. I ask you to remember and pray for the vulnerable in this war torn country. The young who would be terrified, not understand the reasonings for this conflict and the old who are seeing their beloved homeland destroyed. Pope Francis and the Australian Bishops have asked us all to pray for peace and justice in Ukraine. Following is a prayer that has been composed for us all. I ask you all to take a moment, reflect and pray for the people of Ukraine.