Principal's Report Week 2
Welcome back to Term 2.
Congratulations to all students who represented the College in marches commemorating ANZAC Day on Sunday throughout the Mackay region. We had over 370 students and staff representing Mercy College at the many different services around the district. I wish to state how proud I was walking with students who displayed so much pride in their uniform and respect for the many men and women who have served and continue to serve Australia and New Zealand.
They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning,
we will remember them

Mercy College Open Night
On Tuesday night, the College held its Open Night. Thank you to all staff, parents/guardians and students for your assistance on the night. The College was alive with excitement and action. The Department and classroom displays were amazing and special mention to our Sporting and Cultural Departments for their exhibits and performances. You all helped showcase our amazing facilities and extensive programs that we have on offer. This was a night of great communication and community building.
Enrolment Processes for 2022
The dates are below for your information. If you have a student in Year 6 or you know of others who may be interested in enrolling in the College next year, please ask them to contact the College office on 4969 4199.
Enrolment Application due date Friday 14 May, Interviews Thursday 27 May
Student Lead Conferences
Thank you to all students, parents/guardians and staff who attended the Student Lead Conferences held recently. If you were not able to attend this evening and have any concerns, I recommend you email the relative teacher to discuss your child's progress.
Flu Season Reminder
As you are aware every year Queensland experiences an influenza or flu season. As we enter this season it is timely to remind parents and guardians not to be complacent about flu. Queensland Health advises that where possible, people need to be vaccinated for the flu every year.
Flu is a virus more serious than the common cold and can be spread through talking, coughing and sneezing. Symptoms include sudden fever, dry cough, muscle aches and pains, fatigue, headache, sore throat and a stuffy or runny nose.
If your child has flu-like symptoms, the following is advised:
• Keep your child home from school;
• Ensure your child washes their hands regularly with soap and water or sanitiser gel;
• Encourage your children when coughing or sneezing, to cover their mouth and nose with disposable tissues which should be disposed of immediately;
• Ensure they drink plenty of fluids and get lots of rest;
• Consult your doctor if you are concerned about their symptoms.
Queensland Health Guidelines advise that individuals displaying flu like symptoms should stay at home until such symptoms have passed (normally 5-7 days).
Families should also reinforce the recommended protective actions listed above. Increased awareness and ongoing attention to prevention and control measures, such as vaccination and good hygiene, are steps that we can all promote to reduce the impact of influenza.
The 74th Annual Macrossan & Amiet Mackay Eisteddfod - Entries Closing
A reminder that entries for the Mackay Eisteddfod are now open and can be completed online. Go to the Mackay Eisteddfod website for the full schedule (under resources) and link to the comps online entries page. If you have any questions, please feel free to email the Mackay Eisteddfod on or call during office hours (Tuesday and Thursday mornings 9:00am to 12:30pm. Entries close Wednesday 5 May (no late entries).

Mother’s Day – Sunday 9 May
The Mercy College community wishes all of our mothers a Happy Mother’s Day for Sunday 9 May. At Assembly I reminded students to reflect on the love of mothers and the role of mothers. Especially others in their lives that have been mother role models. Best wishes to all.
Mrs Janelle Agius