Principals News
As the term comes to a close, I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to all the students. Your dedication, curiosity, and active participation have made this term truly special. Your commitment to learning and growth is inspiring. Thank you for your hard work and enthusiasm. Enjoy a well-deserved break!

I would also like to acknowledge the dedication and hard work of our teachers and staff. They have tirelessly poured their energy into educating, inspiring, and guiding their students. Their commitment to fostering learning, creating engaging lessons, and nurturing individual growth is to be commended. Teachers have shown remarkable adaptability, overcoming challenges and ensuring continuity of education. I thank them for their efforts and their hard work is truly appreciated. May all staff enjoy a well-earned break these holidays.
Please note that our students resume Term 3 on Monday 10 July.
Confraternity Rugby League and QISSSN Netball
These upcoming July holidays, students from the College will again be competing in the Confraternity Rugby League and QISSSN Netball competitions. We wish the players, coaches and support staff a safe, fun and successful week. As we hosted this event last year, I am fully aware of the massive preparation and work that the organisers have undertaken. I look forward to meeting many Colleges at the event. Good luck to all teams! I am looking forward to seeing our talented teams play in Brisbane.
Community Activities
Once again, many wonderful things have happened this term. We have had great success on the sporting fields, in Chess and STEM competitions. Our Cultural Ensembles have performed on numerous occasions and our students continue to give to those in need through various acts of community service. It is very pleasing to see the effort and success of our students throughout the term.
Humanities Tour
Welcome back to our Year 10 Humanities students who are returning from their amazing trip to Melbourne. Students visited many sights in Melbourne, Sovereign Hill, Kryal Castle, the Shrine of Remembrance, museums and much more. Thank you to our wonderful staff for taking our students away on this tour. We look forward to hearing all your memorable stories next term.
NAIDOC Celebrations
NAIDOC week is celebrated in the second week of the school holidays from 2 July to 9 July. Thank you to Mrs Haverda, Ms Russell, Mr Mackenzie for assisting with organising various activities at the College to celebrate this important week. Our students will also be attending the regional NAIDOC Mass which is being held on Tuesday 18 July.

Senior Campus End of Unit Reports Cards
Our Senior Campus staff have been busy marking over the last few weeks and preparing reports. Reports are now available through Parent Lounge for parents to view. I remind parents of Year 11 and Year 12 students that the next Parent teacher night is on Thursday 27 July.
Parent Engagement Evening
We invite all families to join us for our next Parent Engagement Evening on Thursday 20 July from 5:30pm. Our session on “Wellbeing” will be held at St Patrick’s Senior Campus. The Counselling Team will be presenting on ‘Managing Student Anxiety and Building Resilience.’ Come along and have your questions answered around how to support your child/ren experiencing anxiety symptoms and strategies to assist overall wellbeing.
Catholic Education Week
Next term we celebrate Catholic Education Week from Sunday 23 July - Saturday 29 July and this year will focus on the theme: Communities of Faith, Hope and Love. Catholic Education Week is an opportunity for all Catholic schools to celebrate and promote their distinctive mission and ethos.
We will have more information next term on the activities the College will undertake during this special time.

Year 12 Formal
A reminder that the Year 12 formal will be held on Saturday 29 July. Information on the formal has been recently emailed home to parents and tickets can now be purchased through the Events and Payments tab in Parent Lounge.